I will write soon about the perceptions of wine and the fallacies of professional wine tastings. Not that there is anything unprofessional about the professional wine tastings, to the contrary. I do not doubt that it is the best possible setting for assessing wines comparatively; white tablecloths, uniform glasses, calmness and all. We do not have substitute for that and many a professional has invested their emotional capital in participating in those important events. But I feel, after living with wine for the better part of last thirty years, that it is not all about that. Wine makes sense, reaches exuberance that it is meant to ahieve directly out of such events. It is the breeze, that supposedly ruins your objectivity, the sunset, the pine trees, the wooden bench, that make a wine more exceptional that it will ever be in a clinical tasting setting. That is what I want to turn your atttention to, and to hear your opinions. Stay tuned.

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