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Title: Why will intellectual property change: the staying power of immaterial assets and malfunctioning of analog instituitions

Abstract: In modern societies the role of law is changing upon accelerated modifications of quantum, structure and information processing possibilities of knowledge. The functions of copyright law and industrial property law are also experiencing historical challenges, and the changes with which it responds are especially due to digitalization of reality and global networking of previously disparate knowledge quanta. The objective of this write-up is to make accessible the conclusions of a much larger work that attempts delineate the constants and discontinuities in the legal protection of creativity through semiotic analysis of legal language by confronting them to the colloquially used concepts throughout the history (http://www.scribd.com/doc/62077636/Abundance-of-Sources). That article explores principally those terms used throughout the past to designate different types of copies and originals and comparison between art history and legal language. Analysis of historical aspects leads also to conclusions on possible trends in copyright law and its role in digitalized societies. In short, these conclusions suggest an uninterrupted but shifted position of the role of copyright law and, at the same time, the appearance of a variety of parallel and simultaneous forms of copyright protection and increased role of automatized technology based protection of usage monitoring and royalties collection. finally, those conclusion lead to an unexpected and unescapable overarching conclusion that the role of law itself will shift in the future societies.

Key words: copyright, law, creativity, intellectual property, language, digitalization, Internet, copy, original, DRM, additive technologies, #D printing, technical means of protection

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Srdačan pozdrav, Staša Puškarić

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