
GEA@275™ project has exclusive rights to exploitation of a groundbreaking carbon removal and sequestration technology. A vast improvement over the discredited ocean seeding methods, the new technology enables not only real CO2 removal, but also its long-term storage at the deep ocean floor. This is the only method known whereby the atmospheric carbon can be returned into the Earth’s geological long-term cycle. This unique and superior technology for atmospheric carbon removal, also known as GEA@275™ Fertilization Protocol, has been protected by a patent application, which will enable its commercialization. Its full potential should be understood in light of its huge carbon removal capacity as it can effectively remove entire year’s worth of present human created emissions of CO2 in a period much shorter than a year.

GEA@275™ Fertilization Protocol has been thoroughly tested in laboratory and has been modeled in real sea conditions. Various tests showed that the present invention might become one of the key solutions to the problem of global warming due to its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, tests did not reveal any negative environmental side effects at the treated area. This sequestration technology is an ideal solution to the weaknesses of the “cap and trade” emissions trading as it can produce large, measurable quantities of CO2 removed, which can be transferred into tradeable certified credits (CERs) under such system.

GEA@275™ project is seeking $15M in initial risk funding to fund the start-up expenses and assets. A company will be created as a carbon sequestration project, to generate and sell certified emissions reduction credits (CERs) under the umbrella of Kyoto’s “Flexible Mechanisms”. The only current possibility to be issued credits for further sale is by registering a project actively with the Executive Board of the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change. The project is required to pass through a Project Cycle process and prove its “additionality”, than to be validated, registered, emission reductions confirmed, and then credits (CERs) will be issued for the achieved emission reductions. This technology has ability to generate large number of CERs varying from 1 billion to 8 billion per year. The initial scientific phase is expected to last from three to five years after which the second, operational phase will begin. At that point the project will also start operating its commercial component. It is due to large scale open-ocean endeavors to set up that the initial investment is so high.

GEA@275™ will need to hire tankers and open ocean scientific research vessels, but this sizable investment is justified by its proportion to the returns on the investment. In other words, higher the initial investments will be sooner the ROI will occur. High start-up costs are not necessary for further development of the technology, which is already developed, but for its most efficient economic introduction. Further advantages of the GEA@275™ Fertilization Protocol are in using conventional, off-the-shelf chemicals and uncomplicated methods for its application, Chemicals used in the present technology are used in tolerable amounts for nature, as our main goal in using this technology is to repair environmental damages by not inducing others. As such, this technology has no significant, negative influence on nature, which we find as a very important and distinctive asset of our technology, unlike the discredited ocean seeding technologies. It does not increase the biomass of treated area and does not alter treated environment in a measurable way. Chemicals used in the present technology sink together with the sequestered carbon dioxide into the deep ocean without interacting with surface Eco-systems and are scrupulously environmentally compliant.

GEA@275™ Iron Fertilization Protocol is presently the only one in the World with a capacity to efficiently and safely remove all of the global annual carbon emissions and perhaps even more in the future, into natural geological long-term reservoirs. Assuming the financing will be secured, we will soon be able to deliver majority of the credits supplied to the market and become the market leader. You can hear prof. Staša Puškarić of RIT Croatia delivering talks on his technology at the Zagreb TEDx Event and preparing for the Oslo lecture (pictured above). A blog of the project is now public. In the meantime feel free to do some additional reading on fossil fuel rampage.

In order to foster the grassroots component of the public stakeholders, meaning all of us who are inhabiting the planet Earth, GEA@275™ initiated and partnered with the ancillary project entitled Beat Global Warming. Beat Global Warming is an environmental conservation organization based in Kristiansand, Norway, whose goals are mobilizing concerned humans and driving crowdfunding efforts on behalf of GEA@275™ and other worthy environmental efforts.

IMPORTANT NEWS!!! In June 2017 Dr. Staša Puškarić was filmed and interviewed by Director Leila Conners for the ICE ON FIRE feature documentary documentary filmed by Harun Mehmedinović, produced by Leonardo DiCaprio Appian Way Productions, Tree Media Group, and Home Box Office (HBO). This film will highlight potential global solutions to the worlds most pressing environmental problems. The premiere of the ICE ON FIRE documentary is scheduled on  Earth Day, April 22, at the HBO, with the screenings in LA and other cities to be announced.

Premiere at the ReArctic event scheduled for January 5, 2019, 17.30-19.30 at the Oslo Opera House, Main Stage, Oslo Norway is now cancelled. Another event promoting the Ice on Fire documentary in Oslo is planned for a later date.

We will post all available information as soon as available.

First information: +3851 390 0540

General contact and Science and R&D link: Mladen Vukmir/ / +3851 390 0511

Consortium and Investment contact: Mark Gero / / +385 98 130 6905

Media and Journalism contact: +3851 3900 510 /after January 2019/

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  1. ICE ON FIRE | iNFORMATION by Mladen Vukmir - 2018-11-15

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